Friday 18 October 2013

AstroTurf at Earl Beatty???

At the October 10th EBSAC meeting we learned that Earl Beatty is one of several schools that is being considered by the TDSB to have the field area inside our track replaced by AstroTurf.

This information was delivered verbally by our Trustee, Sheila Cary-Meagher. The council has formed an “AstroTurf Fact Finding Committee” made up of parent volunteers to research and gather information such as why the current grass has had problems growing in the past, cost and kind of AstroTurf being proposed, other school’s experiences with AstroTurf, alternative solutions, along with expert environmental opinions on the topic. 

When all the information is gathered, we will have an open meeting to discuss the findings and voice opinions with teachers, community centre staff, day care centre staff, parents, and the community at large.

The Toronto Star has been in contact with EBSAC as well as several parents directly in search of individual opinions on the matter. The following statement was delivered via email to the two reporters who inquired: "The Earl Beatty Council found out about the TDSB's plans for Astroturf at our school from our Trustee at our meeting on 10 Oct. An Astro Turf Fact Finding Committee has been set up. No discussion will begin until the facts on Astroturf and alternatives are gathered."
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us and we will put you in touch with our “Astro Turf Fact Finding Committee”. 

Click here for background information on the TDSB's plans, including some pros and cons of turf fields and the expected timeline :

The AstroTurf Fact Finding Committee will be presenting the information they gather at our monthly meetings (the next one is scheduled for 21 November, 6:30 pm).

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