Friday, 28 September 2007

Eco Team Minutes Sept 27th, 2007

Here are the minutes from the first Eco Team meeting of 2007-2008.
We had a very productive discussion that kicked off many new topics and continued many we had on the table at the end of last year.
  • There will be 10 Earl Beatty parents and students at the Eco Schools Certification Ceremony at City Hall on the 17th of October.
  • The school is organizing an in-school Eco Team!! Martha Brown will be helping to liaise between the school and the parent-run Eco Teams as we continue to support the school's environmental efforts.
  • Litterless lunch campaigns will continue in earnest this year
  • Solutions to the school sod problem are still being investigated
  • Bicycle racks are still a hopeful possibility
  • Benches for the playground will be proposed to parent council
  • Seed-planting for a potential Mother's Day Plant Sale has been proposed for Feb/March-Dylan's 8-foot-tall sunflower, planted at last year's seed-planting event, has produced 100's of seeds that can be planted by the students in the spring
  • A Community Swap is in the works for the winter
  • Hoping to connect with the local feeder schools, Earl Haig & Gledhill, as well as our own Beatty Buddies
  • Our monthly meetings have been booked for the 3rd Thursday of the month

We are looking forward to a very environmentally friendly year at Earl Beatty. Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions!