Monday, 9 December 2013

ECO Club Update

Last week the Earl Beatty ECO Club officially started meeting.

At the next meeting students are going to make recycling posters for each classroom to help remind everyone what goes where! The posters will be made from pictures and actual objects to demonstrate what goes into the garbage and what goes into the recycling bin. For Dec. 18, please send your ECO Club members to school with wrappers or pictures they can use to create their poster.

The ECO Club meets during lunch time (11:45 - 12:25) in the library.
Meeting for the remainder of the school year fall on these dates:
Dec. 18
Jan. 8
Jan. 22
Feb. 5
Feb. 19
Mar. 5
Mar. 26
Apr. 9
Apr. 23
May 7
May 21
June 4
June 18

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