Sunday, 27 May 2018

May 28 to June 1 at Earl Beatty

Highlight Events:

All Week: EQAO Testing
Monday: Field Trip, Science Centre
Friday: Fun Friday!
Friday: Movie Night: The Incredibles

Daily Notables:

Monday: School Day 5
1)     EQAO Testing Starts
2)     Ontario Science Centre, Rooms 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 & 28

Tuesday: School Day 1
1)     EQAO Testing continues
2)     Intermediate Slo Pitch Practice (7:45-8:30am)
3)     Ukelele Club, kindergarden, rooms 5 & 8 (lunchtime)

Wednesday: School Day 2
1)     EQAO Testing continues 
2)     Comic book Maker Club (lunchtime)

Thursday: School Day 3
1)     EQAO Testing continues
2)     Lunch Lady, lunchroom
3)     Play Rehearsal, gym (lunchtime)
4)     Arts Express (after school)

Friday: School Day 4
1)     EQAO Testing continues
2)     TUSC trip, Room 31 (all day)
3)     Fun Friday!
4)     Movie Night: The Incredibles

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