First, let me say that there is a group of women, led by Alison McMurray, who have been working on every detail of this farmers' market since January. They've been out measuring parking spots in the snow, cajoling people all over the place and generally working their butts off to make this happen and we are all the lucky beneficiaries of their work. You're going to hear and see more of these farmers femmes over the coming months, but for now, let me be the first to say thanks ladies for an unbelievable amount of work. And now this note below is from Alison - they got us this far - now we need you to help make our community farmers' market a roaring success. Now with 1 month to go we have to get busy!!!!
Volunteers are needed for the following areas and if you have already signed up at the meeting there is no need to respond. After you sign up you will receive more information about the details and you can respond about availability. Please spread the word among neighbours and friends and help be a market ambassador!
Here are the areas we need help with:
- handing out postcards and putting up flyers.
- market support ie. traffic control, community table, vendor support....
- food table - help with food fundraisers, fireman's fire pit
- art table
- festival event committees - please note, you must be present for the month that you are volunteering for!
- June - strawberry festival
- July - peach/plum festival
- August - corn/tomato festival
- Sept - apples
- October - pumpkins, squash
Thank you in advance and spread the word, we need all the help and support we can get to show everyone how vibrant and strong our community is!!!!
For more information or to volunteer to help out, contact Alison at eastlynnpark (at)
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